Should parents play Minecraft?

Mar 18, 2024

Absolutely! Or Roblox. Or Fortnite. Or whatever other game your kid is into.

But why? I don’t even like games. I’m not good at it. I don’t have time.

That doesn’t matter. At all.

What matters is your kid. What your kid will remember is you being interested in what they’re interested in.

When you take an interest in what your child is interested in, it gives them a sense of love and approval. They get the message that they are valuable, and worthy of attention. They learn that they are good.

The alternative?

This may sound harsh, but imagine if you had a hobby you reallllllly loved. And you shared it with one of your friends. That friend wasn’t into it, and further, expressed active distaste for it. “Ew. Video games? Why would I want to do that?”   What would that feel like? Would you want to hang out with them much? Now, imagine that you’re a child, and this is your parent.  How would you feel about yourself? Would you ask them to play again?

Probably not.

When a parent actively dismisses something the child loves, the message that child could get is that they are bad for loving the thing they love. This opens up the door to hiding and shame.   The relationship can become strained and fraught.   Disconnection can grow.

Children are wired for connection.  They want to play with us. They want to share what they love with us. They want our approval and attention. Playing with them is one of the most powerful ways we can show them we love them. 

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