Why do kids watch others play video games?

Mar 04, 2024
Gamer Girls

Until I started to play video games for myself, I really didn’t understand why my kid wanted to watch other people play video games. I thought it was silly and a waste of time. Why wouldn’t they just want to play themselves?

Then, I got stuck. I wanted to play, and I was out of ideas.  I wanted to do something new, and I didn’t know how to do it. Enter YouTube.

As I watched GeminayTay build her village, I was inspired with my next project. I watched and rewatched how she built her roofs. Play. Pause. Play. Pause. Rewind. (Is rewind even the right word? I’m sure it’s not. I’m old. Insert outdated laughing emoji here.)

I was entertained, inspired and I learned something. I was ready to play again on my own.

This, I realized, is what my kid had been using YouTube for!

In video games, it’s hard to learn all the techniques and tricks. The games don’t come with manuals. Plus, creative people find new ways to play the game! In the isolation of our homes and the busyness of our modern lives, we don’t have the opportunity to easily see how others play. What a blessing it is that people take the time to share what they love and what they’ve learned in a way that is accessible to so many! 

So, I challenge you. Sit down with your kid. Ask them who their favorite person to watch is. Then, watch it with them, and be curious. What could you learn? 

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